Breathe – 4/20/20
Do you ever feel like your drowning? Like no matter how many times you inhale, you’re not getting enough air. Today was one of those days where I felt like there wasn’t enough air on this planet that would make this sinking feeling in my chest disappear, but I guess that’s just one of the many symptoms that comes along with depression…anxiety. When I can finally take a breath and speak it feels like everything that comes out is rehearsed; as if I’ve memorized a script of someone’s life and I can recite it perfectly. It’s like playing a role for your entire life and memorizing every mannerism. “Move stage left,” “Right turn here,” “Blink twice.” It’s all written in a script burned into my memory. They say take it day by day, so today’s goal is just…..Breathe.
Are you by any chance seeing any therapist? Check into or ask about panic attacks. That’s what that sounds rather like. Usually folks with bipolar depression or treatment-resistant depression end up getting those.
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I suffer from depression and have had panic attacks before so I can sympathize with you. Be safe. Talk to others and breathe. Be safe hugs
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Definitely. It’s anxiety and very uncomfortable/scary. I have chronic breathing problems that I’ve never told anyone about because I know it’s just my anxiety. I’ve heard you should practice deep breathing if you have anxiety, but how do you practice it if your muscles are so tense you can’t even get the air in that deep? It’s annoying
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Going day by day and just breathing are good steps – I hope today is a better day! Welcome to Open Diary
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