

Good morning to y’all, or night, depends on where you at. 🙂 I have this song in my head atm. It’s not one of my faves… right now I’m listening to Ellie Goulding’s song from 50 Shades of Grey. At 7, I am going to get some bread and put cheez whiz on it and chow down. LOL!!! I love that term, ‘chow down’… it makes me giggle for some reason. I am easily amused it seems.

IDK if I told you that I got the Mario & Luigi 3DS XL with M&L Dream Team pre-installed yesterday? I took a very good picture of Julz that I am proud of. The ambiance was right, her pose was natural and… just perfect!

May be an image of Julianne Feilberg and indoor

So, there is the pic. I love the expression on her face. ^^ So bloody proud! I have never gotten that good of a shot of anything… I’m serious! 😮

Today CHO is hosting a movie day, we are watching Ghostbusters today. Also it is my bath day. No CMHA meeting though.

I need more clothes and my sister Wendy will help me shop when I get my pin. 🙂 She is amazing. <3 I can’t shop for clothes for shit. I don’t have much style or whatever. All I know is, redheads don’t look good in pink. That’s it. Call me pathetic but it is 100% true.

Anyways, I’m going to see about breakfast.


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February 12, 2021

I feel your pain. I need clothes, too, but have trouble shopping for them.

February 12, 2021

@catholicchristian I don’t get clothes shopping… like there is an international love for clothes shopping and I am just like…. wut??

February 12, 2021

I just got me two pair of track pants and I really like them. Blue is my color.

February 12, 2021

@jaythesmartone I totes love track pants 🙂  So comfy and warm!!

February 12, 2021

Are you saying I shouldn’t wear pink?! I am pretty sure I haven’t ever had pink anything.

February 12, 2021

@heffay Oh God, don’t get me started on men in pink. 😛

February 13, 2021

I make most of my clothes.  That way I can choose the fabrics I like AND the style.  I love having unique and original clothes THAT FIT.  I am a plus size and it’s just so hard to buy.  If you are shopping online you might check out

February 13, 2021

@novembercirese Thank you. <3