Tooth trouble…

Well, it seems like I’m getting another tooth looked at tomorrow.. it might need filling and or an extraction… which I am most heartily not looking forward to.. I just loathe the dental appts… I want to live my life sans pain, tyvm. As to quote Jase Robertson, “If you don’t know what you are doing, it is best to do it quickly”. I am sure they know what they are doing, but I want to get this appt over and done with.. seriously!
My teeth are very sensitive to cold and hot to a degree. I think the extraction done previously made that worse…
I need a stiff shot of fine Jack Daniels tomorrow but I won’t bc I shouldn’t when I am taking various drugs… right? Right. But there is the dream eh? I’ve had boozy shortbread b4 and they were niiiiiiiiiice.
So… what are y’all up to these days?
Oh that sucks
I hate the dental office
hopefully you’ll get it taken care of quickly so you won’t be in pain for long (hug)
Jack Daniel’s sounds good right now.
@soldis I wish all dentists came with pain free meds — no needles.
@sleepydormouse Same. I hate needles.
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I have to go to the dent this coming Monday, I hate going but my back moler is cracked so I think it’s going to be leaving his little friends. JD sounds so good! You see on the telly people popping pills and drinking and life is fine but a real person and we die of an over dose the first time out the gate.
@mermycohea Good luck! I had a bad cracked molor slash wisdom tooth that was extracted a two weeks ago.. it sucks. I would love a JD right now.
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Ugh I also loathe any dental work, and I’ve had some go wrong and cause me more pain too! But fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly for you.
@free_spirit_gal TY sweetie.
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good luck at the dentist
@itsjustmarina TY Marina
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I think tooth trouble is going around. My friend here had to have one extracted and they had to dig in around it to get it out.
If your tooth is sensitive to hot and cold, you might need a root canal and can save the tooth. Idk what your National Insurance covers, but I wish you the very very best.
@novembercirese Ikr? They had to dig out my tooth the last time.
@novembercirese All my teeth are sensitive.
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Many, many years ago, I hated dental appointments, but then I met a dentist that I really liked. I’ve been going to that dental office for twenty years. They always make sure I’m not feeling pain, except for the lidocaine anesthetic injections around the affected area.
@kotila I got the lidocaine methinks… it took four shots Jon. 4
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good luck at the dentist
@ihavenoarms TY
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