So this is the dealio…

Stupid stupid stupid xinfinity
I’m talking about my old case worker. She made it so that our house has no fucking dentist by remarking to Dr. H (my dentist and long lost cousin … her last name is the same as mine) charges too much! Thora (dentist) is a kind woman but K.B. ruined that, and now I can’t get this tooth out … or worse yet, go to the bloody hospital!!! I don’t want to go there. Look at this!!! No fucking way.
I can’t believe K.B.’s gall. The anti-biotics did their magic but still hurts like an SOB.
wow! I thought Canada had free medical! that does not sound too fair or fun! move to USA and you can get it fixed today
@kaliko Consider it done.
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Is there any way you can personally contact the dentist and explain your situation?? I know I have to go through so many people just to leave a note to my dentist and I imagine you have the same problem. Even so, it’s worth a try!! Best of luck.
@novembercirese That’s what I’m doing but K.B. really fucked things up.
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Question? can you find a dentist that will take your insurance? I had a dentist and they decided to start charging me so I left them and found someone that would take my insurance….there are a lot of them out there.
@jaythesmartone question… if it is free medical why doesn’t every doctor take you? they know they will be paid?
They do but sometimes they like to charge a bit more then what the insurance company is willing to pay. Just like you guys…you have a co pay you have to copay on mostly everything from doctor visits to drugs.
@jaythesmartone we have no co-pay
@jaythesmartone True. I might have to do that.
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Still in pain? I’m so sorry. I hate that you’re not doing well. I really hope you get it taken care of soon! Take care of yourself <3
@soldis <3
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