Savage Garden and Meryl Bainbridge
I had both albums of these 90’s singers, wayy back on. I bought my first CD Hanson’s Middle of Nowhere… don’t judge. I loved Mmmbop!
I had both albums of these 90’s singers, wayy back on. I bought my first CD Hanson’s Middle of Nowhere… don’t judge. I loved Mmmbop!
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I really like savage garden I use to be able to do that song without stopping….
@jaythesmartone yes I am aware of links that talk about how to get published etc etc but again it costs money to get published even self published. I belong to a writers group for beginning writers on Facebook and the daughter of my writer friend had to pay like $500 and or more to get an editor among other things to get her book published which is money I do not have. Secondly if I don’t have a good understanding how the publishing stuff works I would not know what questions to ask. To get an agent costs money so even if I was paid by the publishing company I still have to fork out money for something. And according to my writer author friend he told me himself that getting a book published doesn’t pay much. So this is why I don’t bother getting my stuff published or send out my stuff. I need someone to explain to me in a very simple elementary language like grade school level to explain to me how publishing works so I can truly understand it.
@jaythesmartone it is a beautiful song
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Is there a thing where I can talk to you? Like kik or Facebook or hangouts?
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Great couple of songs. Thanks for sharing!!
@novembercirese You are welcome!
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