So here I am typing at 3a trying to ignore my bad tooth and just thinking about my ex-fiance. I could look him up, but I don’t know if he has FB or whatever. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of him. Everytime I hear this song. I am reminded of him…
So, today I am going to get out with my new kicks. I have a sweet pair of Vans that my brother gave me. I will take a photo of them soon. I hope I can go out with them anyways bc we are supposed to get snow.
I am listening to Taylor Swift, and trying to decide whether or not to go back to sleep or just ride the night out. I could play the Sims for awhile…
I’ll probably hit the hay… I need the sleep and it’s my only relief from this pain until I see a f-cking dentist.
Love the Sims
hope you get some relief soon!!
@melissa-ann-0427gmail-com TY luv. do you play?
@sleepydormouse I haven’t in a while, but yes.
@melissa-ann-0427gmail-com Which do you like better, the Sims 2, 3 or 4? I like Sims 2.
@sleepydormouse I play on the PlayStation.
@melissa-ann-0427gmail-com What is your favorite game to play?
@sleepydormouse I don’t really have a favorite game. I do like horror mystery games. Or detective like games. Murdered: Soul Suspect and L.A. Noir are two of my faves. Town of light is another good one.
@melissa-ann-0427gmail-com I like the Sims and Pokemon.
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Yeah start phoning the dentist and ask when you can get your tooth fixed….
@jaythesmartone I need for the dentist to ok the procedure first.
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