No more pain… no more tooth.

Well, this Buddy Holly fan is sans one tooth — said wisdom tooth molar. 🙂 I am happy to be rid of it bc a) it was really painful, and b) I needed it out, it was aggravating the two beside it.. I begged the dental hygienist to pull it out. I forgot to get it from the technician but, it was in shards… so.. not very helpful there… but as soon as it heals, then I will stick my 3DS XL (it will be healed by then) into my mouth and attempt a shot. 

I am happy that it’s out…. I can’t deal with pain much… that’s what I fear most. But I’m being optimistic about things … both Kat @kaliko and Jodie @jaythesmartone and several others were concerned about a possible infection if left too long. Big giant King Kong hugs go to everyone who expressed good wishes. 🙂 LOVE YOU ALL TO BITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now… why is there a freaking Starbucks app for like Guatemala but not NA??? WTF???? My friend G is bemoaning that fact. She likes their covfefe. I hate it, the bloody stuff is too strong for my tastes. I dare my sister to try their dark roast black. That and The Second Cup? Wayyy too strong coffee… I liked their (SC) Irish Cream. 🙂 Oh! And their mochas? Noms!!!

Well.. ‘sup y’all?


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February 8, 2021

so happy you are not in any pain!!!!!!!!! bless your heart for having to deal with it so long! now you can feel like smiling

February 9, 2021

@kaliko <3

February 8, 2021

I am so happy that I am doing that happy dance because you are now pain free….So the party is at your house or mine?

February 8, 2021

I’m so glad you got it taken care of! You poor thing, you put up with it long enough. Now you can heal up and be happy <3

February 9, 2021

@soldis Aye so my feathered beauty.