
Well, today was a shitshow. I just want it to be over. I can’t get into it, bc it brings on the depression. But I am ok now…. I have to wait awhile for my 3DS XL. I hate waiting… I’ve been waiting for something my whole bloody life…. I hate waiting. But… I will indeed. Good things come to those who wait right??
We are having potato leek soup with bacon garnish, sooo good!
Well.. dinners on.
I’d love to learn how to make that soup — it sounds amazing. I hope you enjoy it!
@darkmadonna It was VERY delish!!

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So we are going to be having a arty when your new toys comes? What should I bring?
@jaythesmartone An arty and not a party? (joke!) Um.. idk… booze?
sure but bring your own cause I don’t know what you like to drink….
@jaythesmartone Jack and coke and white wine.
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Your soup is delicious and love the photo of Casper the friendly ghost
@itsjustmarina TY Marina!
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To answer your question I don’t live in Ontario I live in British Columbia where here there is no restrictions in going out and we aren’t on lockdown. So that is how I manage to get out when needed
@itsjustmarina is not jealous
@jaythesmartone first of all Hodie I was out grocery shopping which is allowed and secondly we are allowed to go to a coffee shop to eat something and plus I was alone practiced social distancing. Second of all since I live alone I am allowed to have one or 2 Victor within my social bubble. Plus I been wearing a mask whenever my 2 allowed visitor comes to visit. I don’t travel anywhere unless I go shopping within nearby my place.
@jaythesmartone Second of all I don’t travel from province to province most of the time I am home 99 percent of the time plus I don’t visit anyone. So spare me the fucking lecture on what I can or cannot do. I am aware of the rules so please shut the fuck up.
@jaythesmartone Again Jodie I am aware of all the rules plus the mask wearing I do happen to wear a mask while out at malls transit and when having visitors so please shut the fuck up don’t need you to tell me what the rules are. Your not my fucking keeper. And for my spelling I do know how to spell and if you had any brains if you noticed a spelling mistake I made was more of a typo since I type really fast from my phone. If anyone who needs to know to learn to spell it’s you Jodie so spare me the criticism about my spelling. How about you go back to school yourself and learn to spell since your spelling itself is atrocious at times.
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