I need to do some swishing with salt water soon…
After this, I reckon, I will swish then, go to bed. I have nothing to do right now… so.. yeah. As soon as I get my mitts on the card, I’m filling out eBay’s checkout form. I have everything except for the card’s details. My face is on fire bc of the bad tooth… so Tuesday needs to come and fast.
I’m listening to Lady G. ‘Applause’
Nothing is happening, Julz is in bed. Everyone is. I’m up, maybe Ry is too bc I hear Ollie… I want to sleep so that the pain goes away temporarily. I wonder what they are going to do with the broken tooth? Extract it? IDK…?
I also need more water. Always with the damn thirst.
Well… I’m done.
omg it seems you have been in pain for a month! feel better soon
@kaliko TY <4
Tuesday my dear friend 
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Hi Sammy. OMG!! Tooth aches are the WORST. Keep in good spirits. If Tuesday is the day, it’ll be here before you know it. Just relax, don’t do too much that will trigger your tooth. Wishing for a faster Tuesday for you ♥
@sexyscoundrel Thank you my dear.
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