I have no idea why my feelings for Joshua Jackson are resurfacing…. oy vey.

So, I have more bad news… #1, is that the broken tooth is a f-cking wisdom tooth! And my dr that I normally see (Thora) probably won’t see me bc of bad blood between her and the old HSC head Kathy Belmonte. And #2, I have diarrhea due to my IBS… I have a q for y’all, WHY ME?!
In other news, I downloaded HP: Wizards Unite. FIN-A-F-CKING-LY! I got it from the Samsung store… I am not feeling up to par. I feel like… shit?
I sent everyone on FB (Jo add me… I’m at https://www.facebook.com/foreveryourgirlsammy) And really? Everyone who wants to add me can… I try and post there here and there… I am trying to wean myself from FB to MeWe. (Don’t have an account yet)
I just took some Pepto-Bismal. Thank God for Bees and the pink stuff.
Love y’all..
I like the cherry flavour of the peto…I know I am weird
I hope you feel better soon and don’t wait too long to fix that tooth.
@jaythesmartone I love the taste too.. you aren’t weird Jo. Thank you. <3
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See if you can get a referral to an oral surgeon since your broken tooth is a wisdom tooth. They may need to do a minor surgery to remove it, and you should have that done as soon as possible. Sorry you are feeling poorly. Glad you have the Pink Stuff to make you feel better!
@darkmadonna Merci
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I never watch DC guess I was in mid 20’s then and I just didn’t watch alot of shows back then no doubt I was to drunk or surfing back then. Jackson was cute for sure. I think it’s okay to have a flash back tv boyfriend to come back to mind. I have pictures all over my walls of the guy’s from Supernatural but I also have a poster from the breakfast club. I was in love with Judd Nelson in that movie which is crazy since I dated more jock type guys.
@mermycohea Same here… lol! I love Cas from SPN. Angelic but naughty! I love Anthony Michael Hall LOL!! I thought he was excellent in TBC.
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