Hello y’all…
Well, I’m alive… that is something to be grateful for eh? God is good.
Seems to be a rather nice day out… will it change? Maybe… the weather ’round here is very capricious. You never know what you get on a day to day schedule. Even in other seasons… very strange weather.
I’m having Read Please 2003 read Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Stalky & Co’ on recommendation from a friend. It’s not exactly the best tts but it is ok. I used to use RP ’03 a lot back in the day.
Anyways, I’m hungry so I will pause this reading and get breakfast.
<3 you all.
I hope you had a lovely breakfast and that the weather in the day suits your mood(s).
@novembercirese <3
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Hi what you have for breakfast
@itsjustmarina Oatmeal and scrambled eggs with toast.
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Hiiii! I have this weird crazy love for Canada for someone who’s never been there, but probably couldn’t live there cause I’m highly sensitive to cold (I’m Brazilian, grew up in Florida, and live in California, where the weather is great and I’m still cold a lot haha). Hope you are having a great day, and that the weather is staying nice.
@free_spirit_gal I knew a few ppl from Brazil a long time ago.
They were cool.
I love the USA too… I always wanted to live in Louisiana. 
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