Good morning!
I am up early today… I guess I’ll nap later today. I am really tired… thank the good Lord that I don’t have anything on my plate today. Tomorrow, is another story. Have 3 parcels coming to me, plus it’s Bath Day. I get bathed twice by Liz, Tuesday and Friday.
I hope to get a new waterbottle with this next snack run bc, I need one. Have to stay hydrated non? Esp. with this damn diarrhea I’m experiencing… sorry for the tmi but it’s true. I also need a couple of cases of diet cola. Costco has their own brand if I’m not mistaken? Cheap too. Diet Pepsi and whatever is expensive but if you buy the store brand then you get a better deal. I wish that I could go to Costco with my siblings (Ryan and Bees) bc I heard somewhere that they have good pizza and I want a few slices…
I just reread that last paragraph and just laughed… I’m definitely a foodie.. haa!!!
I remember going down Lorne Avenue just to have McD’s… now Lorne is a long road and we got THERE by bus, but damnit all we had to hoof it back. Dang. Just for McDs! Now you can order it online! What in the name is that sorcery?!
Am I getting old? Or senile??? Or better yet both?!
No. No. No. I just remember the good/bad old days.
I am starving… usually at this time Wen is up and fixing breakfast. Ry on the other hand likes his power sleeps and prepares breakfast at 8a usually bc that is when Ollie wakes up. You’ve seen pictures of my dog right? Yeah, the cute af golden retriever!
My room-mate and sister Julz just got up to go to the loo.
What should I do to pass the time?
Oh I know! I’ll join Neopets… here is my referral.
When they go to Costco why not ask for them to bring you some pizza? maybe they will sell a whole pizza? it’s worth asking for no?
@jaythesmartone My sister is ordering stuff online…
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Ah, the good old days!? Maybe we wish they were. I cannot imagine life now without the Internet. And there will ALWAYS be fast food restaurants!
I miss Costco but have no real need now to shop there.
@oswego Yes. Everything is made so damn easy now! I suppose Oswego, that I am getting older..
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Sammy, you’ve made me want some pizza. Come on
@heffay ME TOO!! I want a CiCi’s pizza bar in Canada. That shit looks good!!!!
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I really wanted to go to McDonald’s this morning for breakfast but my housekeepers were here. Maybe I can have a late afternoon lunch there.
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I, too, am a foodie although I’ve never admitted it before. I’ve always loved food and when I was young I was deprived of such through no fault of my mother. AND I love Costco as well although I haven’t gone in awhile.
I hope you are well and have a LOVELY day!!
@novembercirese <3
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