Finally! :D

Guess what? I have finally booked an appointment with Thora (dentist)!!! Tuesday at 11:45a! Thank God for small miracles…. so Monday AND Tuesday are the magical days! Why Monday? I get my Visa card that my sister Wendy picked up for me. That means I get my 3DS XL, so I can count my steps, get games next month, take pictures with the cameras and show them to y’all.. stuff like that… but YAY!!! Broken tooth be gone!!
does the funky chicken
LOL!! BTW, what is the mashed potato dance??? Is it a partnered dance or one you do by yourself?? I am a Gen Xer. These dances are beyond my comprehension. My dance is the Macarena. I love the music to it.
I get so energized by this dance…. I am even dancing in my seat to it…
I had my bath and then my CMHA group today… which was a kind of hit or miss. My heart wasn’t into it fully…
My room is nicely heated now. No more ice cold nights…
I had a pecan topped small tart for snack. <3 How do you pronounce pecan exactly? I say puh-con. Some people say pee-can.
I love Howie Dorough as a vampire in (Everybody) Backstreet’s Back. Dayum. I am .. or was, or I reckon a BSB fan, but the true Backstreeter is my sister Bees. Yeah. I was a Blockhead…. in the 80’s… (not a stupid head but a fan of New Kids on the Block) and Bees was a ‘streeter in the 90’s… when they were not pegged as ‘soft rock’ as they are now. Can you believe that happy horseshit?
But don’t you believe that I am a fan of bubblegum pop… my main thing is classic punk.
I like when Sid spits (or even better horks) into the audience. Funny as hell. And of course there is the Ramones… fuckin’ A.
All good… the only music I don’t like is classical and country… with exception of Canon in D by Pachelbel and Taylor Swift who moved to rock/pop….
I know what I like and don’t like yo. (Do people even say that anymore??)
I am thirsty. But if I drink water or pop I will have an accident, and I don’t want that… so, I have to save drinking to the daytime hours. It’s hard but fuck, who wants to piss the bed? Not me. I had enuresis as a child and still do to this bloody day. TMI but I am being honest with y’all.
My roomie is asleep. But I am not. I will be soon. I will tell you everything that happens to me Tuesday, either later that day or Wednesday.
Bon nuit,
Here is how to do that dance…have fun…
@jaythesmartone That’s cool. Did you ever do the mashed potato?
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I pronounce pecan, peh-con.
@mamaqueenie518 Me too.
that is the wrong way to say it…it’s said like this….
@jaythesmartone Do you think I care?
@jaythesmartone Puh con is the right way. Pee-can is northern speech. Puh con is southern speak.
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Glad that you now have an appointment with your dentist. I have an appointment with mine on Monday.
@kotila grins
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