Everyone is.. apparently flocking to Prosebox..
And I have too. I can be found here. I will post here and there but not WP. I hate WP. So if you want to be reading this and that, there I be. Just sayin’.
And I have too. I can be found here. I will post here and there but not WP. I hate WP. So if you want to be reading this and that, there I be. Just sayin’.
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If you had a diary on old Open Diary, you must go through the reclaim process before you can log in. Reclaim your diary.
I never liked them. I tried them when OD first shut down and just was not the same. I love OD…
@mermycohea Same here. It’s not the same.
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I prefer it here, me and new spaces get very confusing to me….I know I am old….
@jaythesmartone Yeah.
It’s more friendly here.
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I tried a couple different places when OD was down but I didn’t like any of them. I only like it here. Otherwise I just won’t write.
@mamaqueenie518 I have to agree with you Mama. It is very good.
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I went over there in the beginning but have just not been able to keep up with it. I have my own journal that I keep on my tablet and I write here from time to time.
@elrania What journal is that? Is it Android or iOS?
@sleepydormouse I think you can get it on either Platform it’s called Day one.. great place if you want to write just for you.
@elrania TY
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Thanks for the heads up but how come everybody is flocking to prose box?
@itsjustmarina I don’t know Marina.
I’m back though.
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I headed that way due to more control over what I see and who can follow me. When my subscription is up here, I am seriously thinking about not renewing. There are more people there, so I am more likely to find people who will accept my conservative patriotic tendencies.
@dragontears Really? I reckon that I will stay here.
@sleepydormouse This is a good place too. It’s a personal choice. Those were just my reasons.
@dragontears And that’s your prerogative non?
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Why are we flocking?
@chalandra shrugs
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