Bees and I..

I wish our class’s yearbook had survived the 24 years since that fateful day when I met my bestie/sister. I wonder if Lee Alter has it. Back then, she was Lee Wachtel. (She married) I’d love to show you what we looked like, Bees was this fresh looking beauty and I was a blonde heavily into fire engine red lipstick. And even though I spent a great deal of my college terms, either looking after my baby nephew or out of commission with my sciatic nerve, I kept in touch with whom would become my other half.
In 2006, my damn foster mother who also wrecked my relationship with my fiance; had a stroke and I was shuffled off with my foster brother who was nice to me, until I notified Bees that I was living in Newmarket and then, I moved to her group home and I have lived here ever since with Bees and Julz my other bestie and room-mate.
Just a bit of back history.
And that program? CVP? No longer offered at Seneca.
I’m watching something on Netflix about this autistic kid who is obsessed with penguins. :/
Banana wants to write Her Majesty… so I gave her Buckingham Palace’s address.
Woo… I need to rest..
I am always interested in reading about peoples lives and how and why they got here. thanks for sharing.
@jaythesmartone No prob Jo.
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I hope one day you find him again! have you google his name or looked on fb for him
@kaliko Thank you Kat.
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I love hearing backstory.
@queenofegypt Backstory is interesting
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I watched Atypical awhile ago. I am hoping for a new season. It’s a great show!
@mamaqueenie518 It’s annoying but cool.
@sleepydormouse I didn’t find it annoying at all. I loved it!
@mamaqueenie518 My sister is an Aspie and the guy playing Sam was over doing it.
@sleepydormouse I know people with autism and some are just like that boy. Not everyone is the same.
@mamaqueenie518 I know that.
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