As you go sliding through the tunnel of love

Good morning y’all!
Today is my friend Geula’s birthday. I had cake for breakfast. ducks from flying objects from @kaliko, @tracker2020, @heffay and several others Yupp. I had a miniscule slice.
Like a wee square… no fancy frosting, just a middle piece. I will be good for the rest of the day, promise.
So, me beauties, how’s life in your corner of the map? Today, is my computer maintenance day. Many ppl wonder what this entails, well, all I do is virus scan, run CCleaner and defrag, and then I create a restore point. That’s all folks. I already did my CCleaner thing.
I am watching some Jurassic Park cartoon on Netflix or whatever… boriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.
You reminded me that I need to create a restore point. I hope you have a great weekend!
@kotila always Jon.
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I got your thingie on MeWe! We got snow too….I am very bored right now. To early for a nap lol and I am not in the mood to watch the telly.
@mermycohea I thought that Sammy and Dean gif was funny … lol
@sleepydormouse I love my boys!
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Cake for breakfast is always a good idea….reminds me of when I was a kid and couldn’t have it had to have cereal. I like being a gown up and eating what I want.
@jaythesmartone not when u have diabetes lolq
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Actually wishing you would throw me a yummy piece of cake!
@kaliko LOL!
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nice photo
@ihavenoarms Thanks Todd!
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