The lies of human mediocrity

Do not be disillusioned human mediocrity:


1. The lie of luck or that things could be worse. That people born into strife or live in marginalized communities are just unlucky, and because of that, others accept, without question, that some should simply live with less dignity. By doing this, we also assume that our own lives do not deserve improvement, because we only compare our lives to those deemed “worse.” Upholding dignity within ourselves cannot be accomplished while the dignity of others is degraded elsewhere.


2. The status quo – that things have always been this way and so they always will be. This idea dictates that we lack the integrity to reform merely because of our collective human history and strips us of the responsibility to create meaningful changes that uplift everyone.


3. The belief that humans are naturally violent. That we have no choice in commiting violence and abuse; or that we have no choice but to accept the brutality perpetrated against us; and therefore cannot have true autonomy to choose a better path for our humanity. This is a dangerous idea that justifies continued future violence, without question.

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