Stop the insanity
It seems like everyday things are getting worse.
Complacency feels thicker than ever.
Have we all become monsters now?
It seems like everyday things are getting worse.
Complacency feels thicker than ever.
Have we all become monsters now?
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I sincerely hope not! It’s mostly those folks …
@ghostdancer it’s most certainly people like me – white people. Marginalized communities generally aren’t complacent. But white people have never struggled like this so we have no fucking clue what we’re doing
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I’d argue humans have always been this way…which is to say, largely hedonistic, self-serving creatures.
@ashestoashes Agreed. Though I believe that people are mostly good, there are some spoiled eggs in the basket.
@ashestoashes Disagree – in fact, the earliest signs we have of human behavior point towards cooperation. Just because we live in an evil time does not mean that this will be the permanent state of affairs. The opposition is there, but needs time to coalesce.
@ashestoashes this is a lie of human mediocrity. It strips us of our integrity to make responsible choices and removes our autonomy to choose to do so. I urge you to reject this fallacy.
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Is it complacency or simply being overwhelmed? There is so much horrible coming at us from all directions, it is difficult to prioritize which must be addressed first. It is emotional abuse and crazy making at its finest.
@elkay I am on the lookout for signs of decency and opposition. They are there, and slowly they will make themselves heard.
@elkay I’ve been paying taxes for almost 20 years now, in that time the US has used my tax money to pay for bombs that have killed children. Year after year I’ve done this without question. I will no longer be victimized by this system.
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