I feel like humanity is standing on the edge of a cliff. It feels like people are on eggshells.
Or maybe it’s just me.
The silence is unbearable. People ask me how I am and I tell them everything is fine. But within that word is everything I feel trapped inside. My rage towards a world that lies to me. My sadness for people who know only violence and death. My desire to do more than sit on the couch. My hopes and dreams bounded within a single word. I say I’m fine as if I don’t know people aren’t being hurt and abused. I say I’m fine as if I don’t know children are being murdered out in the world… for what? For peace? For safety? For profit? I couldn’t even imagine a real answer – should one even exist to justify murdering children?
So I say I’m fine. And I walk carefully on eggshells on the side of a cliff. Who knows what the tipping point could be now.
And of course, this could all be in my head too.
It’s not in your head.
@kittenklawz thank you
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