May the only cocktails that we make, be Molotov
I haven’t been sleeping well. When I’m tired, I’m on edge, easy to anger. There’s an evil twitch in my eye and I give weight more to creating change through violence. It’s a unique lense, that I am able to justify violence simply due to bodily and mental exhaustion. Especially when I look around, and I see all the tired faces around me, and I wonder what their limit is, I wonder if they have the strength to keep resisting hatred and evil and all the things that prevents humanity from moving forward.
I wonder if they’re okay. Because they are just people, not soldiers. And even the soldiers are still people first.
It’s in these moments, when I put on the rose colored glasses of the status quo, that I remember the glass is stained with the blood of my unknown brothers and sisters. That there is no way forward through bloodshed.
When faced with the great decision of whether or not to create more violence in this world, I say no.