Everyone is anticipating violence now. People I know are buying guns and ammo. Everyone is talking about protecting themselves.
Everyone is ready to create violence as a means of overcoming the violence perpetrated against us.
We might not have a choice in the violence used against us, but we have a choice in how we respond…
If we respond with violence, we will come back to this place again. They are going to commit atrocities perhaps worse than we’ve ever seen to break us. If they provoke us into violence, we will never escape.
If we choose to not respond with further violence… To whoever escapes and survives, they will know a world that humanity has never seen before.
This is the final choice humanity will make as a collective that will determine our fate.
All of our individual actions carry weight now.
And every piece of me wants to be proven wrong.
Who is creating violence?
@deepestthoughtsofalonelywoman I’m “assuming” that she’s referring to stories in the news medias. But, I’m probably mistaken.
@deepestthoughtsofalonelywoman generally speaking, the US government.
@ews I was speaking to the anticipation of what’s to come. It’s my opinion that the US gov will be soon baiting the people into civil war somehow. And either way, there’s still violence going on in the world. And people have no choice but to respond with more violence. The cycle never ends, it doesn’t even matter who’s “right or wrong” if everyone’s dead. If we truly have no choice in this, then humanity as a whole has no true autonomy or freedom of choice.
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