Woe or Woah is me?


I have written at least 3 times since my last entry; then deleted them. I’m not quite sure why. This is my journal, I should write whatever I feel but I often erase entries after they are written. Maybe I’ll start making private entries. Moving on..
I went home on Monday morning and came back Tuesday evening. I spent time with my parents and had a nice visit. I saw James Tuesday. We had a good visit but a short one. There was no problems there and I love being around him. I wish we wanted the same things in the future.
I’m tired of Ross and Kenny. They are too half-ass about liking me. You cannot be interested one day then MIA for a week or two then back again.
I have gone on two dates with a guy named Geoff. He likes me a lot. It’s obvious. I am throwing him into the friends’ zone. He is just not for me at all. He is sweet but he lacks conversational skills and just bores me. He tries hard but he really cannot hold a conversation, is always late, doesn’t give direct answers, expects me to be free at 11pm (my bedtime is like 10pm on a good day), etc. Overall he means well but he annoys the shit out of me.
I have had a crush on the guy from the hair salon in our building for months now. I noticed him in the fall, got hit and then returned to find him even more adorable in January. He has bought me coffee a few times, has spoken to me a few times etc. We really just wave to each other and have little conversation since maybe mid-march. We have just taken leaps and bounds this past two weeks. We are Facebook friends (gasp) and we actually know each other’s names now! Today he made my day. I walked by to get coffee and he was getting a sandwich at the same café. He told me he had a client waiting but he would like to talk to me later. I said I was going to get a mani/pedi since it was my day off. He said he’d be waiting on the bench whenever he didn’t have a client. I thought he was joking but smiled and said “see you around.” After my nails were all pretty and pink I walked out to see him sitting on the bench. I walked up and greeted him. He moved over and told me he had been waiting for me and hoping I was still around. We sat together and chatted for about 20minutes before his clients’ color was done. He asked me if I’d be there when she was done having her hair blown out. I said I probably wouldn’t but would be walking by a few times later. He asked me to stop in if he wasn’t with a client and said to bring the twins too if I needed to as long as I stopped to see him. I’m glowing. Simple attention made my day. He is about to be 35 (I’m 28), single, from Israel, and just sweet and genuine. I am 100% intimidated by the women around him (he works in a high end salon with gorgeous girls). He tells me he loves my hair and will cut it for me whenever I want. He said he’d love to spend the time with me. He is straight despite his profession, his brother owns the salon.
Dating is hard right now for me. I have to check each date with my boss because technically I work nights. I have to see if she is going to be home any nights I want to go out. I also have classes Monday and Wednesday nights for 3 more weeks then Monday/Wednesday days for 5 weeks (end of June till end of July). I hate having to ask to go out but I understand it’s my job.
I have been trying to get myself into a routine. I am trying to go to the gym more but it’s not happening. I am going to dedicate more time to myself beginning this coming week. I want to really get running and do some yoga. I think the yoga will be at night in the living room (I need to find some channel to DVR or buy some DVD’s) and running will be mornings once Juli takes the babies. I also want to do just some basic crunches. Just these little things will make me feel like I’m being healthier. My eating is improving but not a ton. I got a manicure today with my pedicure. My goal is to stop biting my nails by December. That’s really a hard goal for me; I use to bite my acrylic nails even. I’m looking at my pretty pink fingers and toes and know I look better with them done nicely and not bleeding. I’m wearing make-up most days now (just eye shadow, mascara and lip gloss) but it helps me feel more put together. I’m trying to let my hair grow but I really want to cut it. I’ll ask my hair dresser cutie what he thinks would work best for me.
This summer session is half over already. I’m doing well so far. A on the only paper we did and keeping up with everything. I’m staying organized.
We are going to the Hamptons a lot this summer. I need to get myself feeling more confident wearing bathing suits. My boss is small with an F chest. I’m smallish with an A chest. She’s 41, a mother of twins and looks better than me at 28. I need to work on this.
This entry sounds pretty “woe is me” but I’m not actually complaining. I’m actually quite happy with my hectic, mixed up, emotional life. I just wish I could show it better. I feel quite pessimistic on the outside even though I’m optimistic on the inside.

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June 2, 2011

Your new guy sounds great!