Trouble finding my words


I have been doing well. Life has been moving very quickly. It’s already been a few weeks since James and I last spoke. I’m okay with it. I was ready. There is nothing going on in my love life. I really have a crush on my firefighter friend Kenny but he is 100% not ready for anything plus our schedules are completely non-compatible right now. We don’t talk about dating or anything, we just talk as friends every few days. I really can’t say anything else except my love-life is non-existent.
School is going okay but quickly. I am having issues with finding a school for my observation hours but I am going to get it done. My grades are decent, I hope great but most of our assignments we don’t get back in a timely fashion. This week is spring break. I’m going to get shit done and try to do things for myself. Maybe a pedicure tomorrow; the first since my accident.
I had the chance to see my friends Erin and Paul and their two sons twice last week. It was great. They are amazing people with gorgeous sons. Their oldest is 3 and the sweetest little guy with a huge personality. The youngest is 13months old and has T21. He is developing really well and healthy. He has some eye sight problems but other than that, all is good so far.
I keep meaning to write but I cannot even think. I’ll try again tomorrow…

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