The end…or the beginning?

 I had my twins for a week during finals while their mother was away. They were good, sick but well behaved. She took them to Florida for a week and they were a nightmare! She went insane and called me in tears many times. I felt terrible for her but she needs to learn how to care for her kids on her own. I won’t always be there to hold her hand. 

I came back yesterday morning from seeing my family. The twins were fine for me. We are starting to have them use the toilet, boy twin is better at it so far then girl twin. No surprise there. 

Home…it was exactly what I needed and better than I expected. I spent time with my parents, with my grandmother and with a few of my aunts, uncles and cousins as well as a few of my friends. I saw my sister and her husband once and saw my sister’s best friend (she’s like a sister to me). I spent the majority of my time with my grandmother, father and James. James was great. We had decided to see each other the week before and decided it wasn’t worth it to keep avoiding each other. He was perfect and treated me like his queen. I know it never lasts, I didn’t even ask him to try to make it last this time. I will just take it as is. 

This year I am looking forward to finishing Graduate school, going to Costa Rica, looking for a new job and a new place to live, and just being more independent. 

I am making no resolutions, just hoping for a great year. 

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