not acting my age


Yesterday I was walking home from temple with my boss and the twins. C was sleeping but S was awake. My crush was outside of his salon. He walked up to us and said Hi and turned his attention to smiling S. My boss said she was going to grab the dogs for a quick walk and bring me an outfit for S to change into as well as pizza money. I said I’d wait there for her. My crush immediately asked if he could take S inside to play with the special chair they have for kids’ cuts. I said sure and in we went. She loved it, loved him, and loved the balloon he got her. C woke up when I changed S into her shorts and shirt. I took the kids to get pizza and we sat on a bench outside, my crush came out a few times and finally just sat down with us. It was nice to have conversation with him and to have him invite us into the salon. Two of his coworkers asked if I was there for a cut for twin girl. He cut them off and told them I was there for him and we were just fine. I liked his possessiveness because it was not overpowering. He even smiled and apologized for being rude but said he just never gets a minute alone to speak to me. I loved that, it made me glow. His attention is really great. I love that he loves the kids and wants us to be around him.
I am hoping to ask him to get a meal with me Monday day or Tuesday night. I am nervous, shy, and overwhelmed by him but I like this guy. I hate not knowing how he feels; I hate not knowing how to act honestly. I know, be me…but that’s not so easy. I am so many different people based on who I’m with or where I am! We haven’t ever spoken each other’s names although we know each other’s names. We have not exchanged phone numbers; we are FB friends but have never exchanged a message or a comment on there. We have our waving by the window and quick conversations on the bench. This is a slow moving “relationship” and an undefined one at that.

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June 5, 2011

Wish you the best of luck, Hope you ask him out for a meal. 🙂

June 5, 2011

Ah… relationship purgatory!