My heart hurts


Since my last whiny rant I have improved a bit.
~I haven’t gone out with my hairdresser again but I see him almost every day. He actually trimmed my hair this week (it’s been 2 or 3 weeks) because it grew so quick. He was shocked how much it grew and he trimmed it for free. He is so damn sexy and he has to know it. He wears white and black to work (they all do) but he adds color and style where he can. When he cut my hair he was wearing a white short sleeved button up shirt that was a bit sheer but not in a feminine or odd way. It was semi-casual and the bottom button was undone so you could see his silver belt and his red boxer briefs just slightly. He was wearing a yellow watch and blue and yellow shoes and black pants. He looked damn good with his tan skin and shaved head. Ugh, he knew it too. He snuck a kiss when he was cutting my bangs and his brother caught it I think. He’s so damn sexy.
~I went to see James Monday morning till early Tuesday morning. I needed time with him. It was very nice to cuddle and kiss and have his compliments. We got along well and snuggled a ton. He had to work the next morning so we got up at 3am and drove to Brooklyn together. It was nice to spend a car ride with him and chat and what not even it was way too early. I needed some stress free time with him. I wish my mother was comfortable with him and tolerable but she holds grudges.
~My boss went away overnight and I’m so happy. It’s great to be alone with the babies. The dogs are at the walkers so it’s just me and babies. I love my boss but the babies are SO much better without their mother here. I think she needed to be away too.
~I babysat for someone else this week. The baby is 12weeks old. He is tiny and too cute. Loved it and it was a good way to make an extra couple hundred bucks.
~I am dog sitting tomorrow for the week. I like the dog I am going to watch. They are going to pay me around $500 for a week of dog sitting, he lives in our building. This isn’t exactly a tough job!
~I kept debating writing about this…this is what’s been on my mind for a while now….When I was little we had a family that was quite close with my family. They had three boys and a girl, all older than me but not terribly older. The oldest is in his 30’s and a yoga instructor/personal trainer, the next is a guy that I’ll get to in a second, then there is the girl that is a stay at home mom with a new baby, the last was a boy that died when he was in his early 20’s and I was 18. He was in a motorcycle accident. The second son is the one that’s on my mind. I’m going crazy. He’s in jail. He was the one I was beyond close with; I really thought I was going to marry him when I was about 10-12yrs old. I use to idolize him. He is married with 2 kids. He is in jail due to felony charges of assault. I believe he is charged with 3 felony charges of assault against a man. It happened it May and he is being sentenced in July. He could get 10yrs plus deportation because he is from another country and never filed all the paperwork (his parents never did and he wasn’t aware of it). Anyway, while being arrested for this assault he was somehow connected to a murder of a woman from about 8yrs ago. The woman was stabbed and beaten to death. There are rumors that her death and 3 others from the same time period may be connected to a serial killer. All were murdered in similar ways, were white females in their late 30’s and were found partially clothed or naked. I have read multiple articles and watched a few news clips about this situation. I cannot imagine him killing a woman. I know he had a temper but never against a woman. I saw him fight with his father, I know he fought an officer when he was in the army, I know he’d beat a guy if they harmed his wife or sister but never a woman. I cannot wrap my brain around this one. I just cannot believe he really committed murder on a woman. I hope and pray that he is innocent but I am not going to say he didn’t do it. He hasn’t been charged with the murders but the media is speculating that he will be charged with the one woman’s murder shortly. I don’t want a murderer to be set free but I really hope the truth comes out quickly. I have his address at the jail but I am not writing to him. I’m waiting…I want to write to him but cannot if he really murdered someone. I am just stalking the media in his area and waiting to hear more.
My heart is sad.

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June 27, 2011

That is seriously sad stuff – hopefully the truth comes out and the truth is that he had nothing to do with any murders.