Miracle of God he said…

So I haven’t been able to update because I’m too stressed out to even write clearly. One update…my leg has healed…6 months quicker than expected and better than ever expected. ALL FOUR BREAKS are gone. My bones are all rejoined. I have no restrictions..simply work up to normal acitvity at a slow rate. The limp will keep getting better till it is gone the doctor believes. He called me a miracle of God.

moving on…Matt took this from someone and I took this from Matt.


Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn-offs.
Day Eight: Three turn-ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.
1.       James… You drive me insane. Why do I even bother speaking to you? Oh right, you have our dog and use that as a means to keep me in your life and I fall for it! I want to be your friend, I want my best friend but this cannot happen if I am single. I will fall into a routine again and be destroyed again. So, I love you but I cannot stand you right now!
2.       Amanda… Thank the baby Jesus you are in my life. I cannot vent to anyone else but you. I truly feel like you judge me so much less than anyone else (some judging is a good thing). Plus I love sending you insane pictures from the subway. Come to NY and visit this girl soon!
3.       Kevin… You are beyond sweet but I do not trust you. I love that you like me so much but I cannot get past your past issues. The recovering alcoholic and 6 years in jail is a deal breaker for me. Been down a similar road with James and cannot imagine reproducing with you or him at this time. Sorry, glad you want to date me but I can’t handle you.
4.       Kenny… You are a true crush. I get butterflies every time you text me but you don’t seem to be interested in me. You took me to a few great dinners and I enjoyed you but I can tell you are hesitant. What are my red flags? What makes you stop and back off?
5.       Ross… Why did you decide to walk back into my life? Why are you being so forceful? I’m afraid we are both going to be let down.
6.       Mom… I’m afraid you are becoming more difficult to deal with every day. Do you realize you are driving your family away like your father did? He died saying I was the only one who truly loved him…who will you say that about? At this point, both of your children yell at you because we cannot reason with you. Your husband smokes himself into a haze everyday to deal with your incessant nagging. Your mother feels you boss her around and put yourself into her business. Please see you are driving us all away and just love us for being us.
7.       Dad… Thank you for accepting my choices even when they are bad ones. Thank you for calling me if I don’t call for 3 days. Thank you for telling me you love me constantly. Thank you for making fun of everyone with me and going to the bar with me on occasion. I love our bonding time. I love that you are a father and a friend. Thank you for letting me call you by your first name in public since I was 3yrs old; we all know “Daddy” just makes every man with a kid turn in Home Depot.
8.       Dan… You are my only college friend from Graduate school. It kills me to see you date a girl who goes through your emails and punches you in the face when she finds things she doesn’t like. It bothers me that you are becoming dependant on drugs to deal with life. It bothers me that you cannot be rude to Alyssa when she pisses you off because she is a huge bitch and uses you. I like you Dan, truly like you and I hate to see you deal with life this way.
9.       Erin W… I love the person you have become. I love your husband and who he has become. What a great man he has become. I think your children are gorgeous and growing up to be amazing little men. I love that we see each other and I get to snuggle your little boy and play with your beautiful preschooler. I love that we discuss anything openly and that you and I still have our secrets from high-school. Food for life.
10.   Simon… I am sorry I cannot adopt you. I am sorry Erin is having trouble adopting you. I want you to have a forever home. I want you to have love, compassion and care. You are a gorgeous little boy withthat little something extra. I pray every night that someone wants you, someone who deserves you. Down syndrome is nothing to look down upon, nothing to fear. You will have an amazing life is somebody will take you from that orphanage and bring you into their home with open arms and clear eyes.  It breaks my heart to think you will be institutionalized in just a few short years if nobody claims you for their forever son.

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