Limpin’ along


I’m walking!! I began taking a few steps Tuesday or Wednesday and yesterday (Friday) I spent the entire day without crutches! My leg hurts pretty bad by the end of the day but I’m doing it again today. I cannot walk without a shoe, that still hurts too much. I can walk upstairs fine but going downstairs it is both feet on each step and even that hurts. I’m so excited to be walking even if it is with a bad limp and a slow pace! I can even carry the babies one at a time on my "good" side. I am excited to be improving so much this week. I haven’t walked outside yet without crutches but I will Monday I think. Tomorrow we are taking the babies to CT to visit a friend of my bosses. Monday I will atempt to walk a block without crutches. I bought a cane for bad weather or longer distances but I rather not use it daily. I don’t want to become dependant on it. Overall I’m happy with where I’m at with my walking.


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January 8, 2011

Yay for walking!

January 8, 2011


January 8, 2011

RYN: Thank you! I won’t be bs’ing anything… I ment to say that I’ll probably embellish a little bit, but not enough to where I can’t back it up in one form or another. Talked to a friend and he told me that more than likely, it’ll be a personality thing. Most of the interviewers anyways 🙂

January 8, 2011

Little steps!! that works!!! Keep it up 😀

January 8, 2011

If you got to get a cane, make it a pimp cane 😉 Show people what’s up! 😀