Game Over

 I think I’m done with OD. I have written in here for years but find myself only complaining and never telling you guys all my thoughts. I have a hand-written diary that I am much better about. I think I just need to be done here.

I am still going to read my "bookmarks" for a few more weeks/months I’m sure. It just seems so many of my original "friends" are gone or write drastically less than they did a few years ago. A few are still faithful, but the majority have slowed down or stopped completely. 

All is fine right now…I LOVED Costa Rica, I graduate May 2nd, and I quit my job May 14th which means moving out of NYC. Moving my stuff to my parent’s house, visiting Mike in VA for a few weeks, then deciding what to do from there.

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April 20, 2012


April 20, 2012

Awwwwwwwwwwww, well we’re still here… noting on your blank-ish diary for months, even years after you abandon it. 🙁

April 21, 2012


April 29, 2012

i can understand not noting in here very ofen for i am the same… but look at all the ppl who are going to miss you! myself included! but like i said i do understand. just try to find some new ppl to read possibly?

May 27, 2012

Psh, you should still hang around and write! Even if it less often – you know, like me.