

James has been giving 100% lately. Why, for how long or when it will end I have no clue. I am just going with it for now. Not blindly, just enjoying it. He calls, visits, says “I love you” etc. He is just being there for me in general. He confuses me.
In other news, our bedbug situation is terrible. We are living out of bins and black bags for weeks. Treatment two is in a week, and then things can begin to become somewhat normal here.
My second summer class is almost finished. My professor is 183 or so, he even pissed his pants a few classes back. I received the only “A” on a presentation though.
The babies have Roseola. It is not a fun virus. I have a stomach virus, bad. You don’t even want the details.
Ronen cut my hair today. I spent 3hrs at the new salon. It was great, I love my hair and enjoy being around him.
I asked the other nanny to work specific days so I can take a vacation. I think she is going to say she can’t but we will see. I do so much for her, she needs to do this for me.
Charlie is doing great, almost caught up to being a typical child. Samantha is way behind in many ways. She has some issue going on. They get OT, PT and speech. Charlie gets special instruction but doesn’t need it; we are trying to get it for Sam. She has something going on…maybe early signs of EFD or ADD, we are not sure…could just be behavioral.
That’s it for now….I need sleep. This stomach virus is killing me and I have the babies all day tomorrow.

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