Been a while so I stole it….

A is for Age: 27

B is for Beer of choice: Guinness

C is for Career: Currently a nanny, future special education teacher

D is for favourite Drink: apple juice

E is for Essential item you use everyday: toothpaste

F is for Favourite song at the moment: "If I could, I would" Phish (I don’t remember if that’s the real name but I’m too lazy to look it up)

G is for favourite Game: Blokus for board game, angry birds for my phone.

H is for Home town: Raised in Howells, live in NYC

I is for Instruments you play: none

J is for favourite Juice: apple

K is for Kids: none for now

L is for Last kiss: Charlie before nap today, real kiss…James

M is for marriage: one day….

N is for full Name: Courtney

O is for Overnight hospital stays: ugh, the accident with the car.

P is for phobias: reaching into a freezer or fridge when my hands are wet…don’t ask, I don’t know why

Q is for quote: I really don’t have one currently.

R is for biggest Regret: Probably not sticking it out at one college for my entire undergraduate degree.

S is for sports: I don’t play but I watch…baseball or hockey are my favorites.

T is for Time you wake up: Currently about 4am, thanks baby S for waking your mother, brother and me everyday!

U is for colour of underwear: Green

V is for Vegetable you love: Carrots

W is for Worst Habit: biting my nails

X is for X-rays you’ve had: my entire body has been x-rayed literally thanks to this accident with the car.

Y is for Yummy food you make: I make very good beef, mushroom and broccoli risotto

Z is for zodiac sign: Taurus


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