And in the end it will be alright


James decided to be an immature ass. He became angry with me on Wednesday because I fell asleep Tuesday night without calling to say goodnight. I had spoken to him twice Tuesday and we had also sent a few texts. Yes, I said I would call but no, I was not out. I apologized Wednesday for falling asleep without calling (via text). He told me it was “bullshit.” He did not answer my other 3 texts or 4 calls Wednesday. So Thursday, Friday, Saturday I only called once a night and left a voicemail saying goodnight. Sunday I called, when he didn’t answer I text him, “You obviously are done with me. I won’t call anymore. Goodbye.”
I am not going to call or text. I’m not going to answer any calls or texts I may get in the next few weeks. I deserve respect. This is immature and insanely pathetic on his part. I’m done. There is no excuse for this behavior. He used up the “drug” excuse last July. We were technically not together so we technically did not break up. However, it’s over…whatever it was the past 11yrs. He has proved he wants out. Now he is out, for good. I have said I wouldn’t go back before and did but I truly don’t feel there is an acceptable excuse this time.
We are saying bye-bye to the pacifiers in the house. We have lots of angry tears and cries from both babies. More from the girl but they both hate it! I think, I hope they are over it by Wednesday or so. It’s rough!
Focusing on school, work, and leg strength the next few weeks. Saying goodbye is hard on many levels but I need to do this.

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February 24, 2011

RYN: No… different “Jimmy…”