a week left

 Student teaching is flying by. I’m doing well. I am comfortable in the classroom and like the supervising teacher. My college supervisor has done my two required observations and she loved my lessons and teaching style. She had nothing negative to say nor did use have constructive criticism. I only received a ton of…perfect, excellent, a natural, etc. I wanted some more feedback but it didn’t happen with either of the observations. I am not complaining just surprised. Shouldn’t everyone have room for growth? Isn’t that part of this whole process? 

My 4th grade class is really well behaved and sweet. I really enjoy them and have become attached to a few of them…of course they are boys and wild boys. I love the "trouble" kids. There are two that really make me laugh on a daily basis. They keep me on my toes and I adore them. We have one girl with a spunky attitude that I really like and a few sweet girls. The boys just have more diverse personalities and home lives. They are street smart and adorable. The class is made up of mostly black, white and spanish children. There are two children with indian backgrounds. Most of our spanish children speak spanish but NEVER at school. Some have parents who do not speak English yet the children only speck English in school. They are all learning, improving and fun to teach. We have a few lazy children, a few very low and a few very high. Most of the class is typically developing and hysterical to be around. I’m going to miss them when I switch placements. I’m glad I’m staying in the same school. 

I am going "skiing" this coming week. My boss, her boyfriend and their 6 kids are going to stay at a house on the top of a mountain and pretend they enjoy skiing. I am going to be tortured in a house with the little ones while the older kids are subjected to ski school on a mountain with less than a 5th of the trails open. 

I get to leave hell on Thursday mooring of next week and take a 3.5hr bus ride back to the city to switch my luggage and travel about 45minutes to the airport for a 3.5hrs flight to see my man in VA. I’m beyond excited to see him and terrified I might really love him already. This is a completely new feeling for me and it shocks me to think I never felt this way about James or Derek or any of the dozens of guys who walked in and out of my life. I want this guy for good…for me…for marriage and a baby daddy. Of course I’m not being crazy and telling him this but man…it’s always on my mind. 

I’m happy.


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February 16, 2012

Glad things are going well!

February 17, 2012

I’m glad you’re happy… it sounds quite involved / ‘hectic’ even