my fair lady and grilled cheese

today we did our student performance and it coulda been worse. there were whistlers and people who laughed in inappropriate places and such, but what do you expet with people who are only seeing the play to get out of class? also, i suspect that, although the principles swore these were ‘top students,’ most were anything but. regardless, it went alrite and i think that the next three should go well. i skipped around just a lil on my lines in scene 3 but i caught them and we pulled it. i might’ve caught heat for it if, when megan and i exited up the stairs and went down the stairs on the other side of the wall, she hadn’t caught her heel, fell down all the stairs and landed flat at the landing at the bottom.


it was the backstage side so no one saw it, but everyone heard it, and being asses they all cracked up (or so i was told. we couldn’t hear it). i felt horrible. we both hate those stairs bc there’s no landing on the backstage side and they’re super steep for some reason. now, it’s too late to fix them bc we open tomorrow and i just hope nothing happens tomorrow or that dean stands there tomorrow nite just in case. i was rilly frightened for a few seconds (which equalled a few minutes bc she just laid there with this smile on her face, which sort of hinted to me that she was alright, but then again, she always smiles, especially when she’s embaressed. i asked if she was alrite and she motioned for me to be quiet bc the newbie in the booth isn’t competent enough to switch the mics on and off when people go on and off stage so hers was still on (i don’t wear one for this show).


so she has to struggle with the switch through all of costumes and now this. once it was off, she checked herself all over, making sure she was alrite and i asked her about three or fifty times if she was okay bc she didn’t stumble down two or three. she slide and fell down about six maybe seven and landed face down. she said her legs were going to be bruised but other than that she was okay. i helped her dress and we wnet on but i would double check with her throughout the show just to make sure bc i was the only one there who saw her fall and it was scary. *merg*


but yea. once home. i slept from like.. 3 until 9 and when my mom asked about food i said yes before i could think and so i had to eat. i had two grilled cheese sandwiches and a bowl of tomatoe soup. i thought i was going to explode. other than that, i had my morningcupofcoffee and some apple juice at lunch. the apple juice was surprisingly refreshing. yesterday i had the morningcupofcoffee and three mocha fraps. i’m doing alright. i figure that, come sunday, food should be repulsive or i’ll only want a piece of fruit in the morning.


yay!.. ….. time for bed again!



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