mom, don’t listen to the janitor!

that was a funny comment made by ben affleck about how his mom would read the magazine articles (his mom’s a sixth garde teacher) and ask him about it. it was on dateline. no, i don’t watch dateline. i caught the tail end of it bc kitty’s fav show (crossing jordan) was on right after. it made me laugh for awhile.


today was contest day and it wasn’t as long or mundane as i thought it would be. a cappella was first and i was up at my usual time of 6am and out by 6.30am or so. stopped by bluebird’s for relief. i may go in there sometime. it looked rilly cozy. then i got to the high school, warmed up, and took the longest ride ever to harrison. we warmed up and sang, sightread and then wwatched another group perform (dunno who) then watched our guys perform. then we got together and warmed up and performed our mixed pieces and went home. the women got a I in class AA, the mixed got a I in AA, but the men only got a II and i heard one of the judges gave them a III, but the sightreading judge gave them a ton of praise.


i grabbed lunch at lotus then came hour to chill for about two hours, left a lil early to grab a coffee at starbucks, then got to the high school to change and junk. plenty of time. i thought the band one was gonna be ultra boring bc it was just gonna be going through the motions. too bad i was sitting next to grant, across from max and adam, who were in front of caroline and mollie on the ride to colerain. it was fun. we got there and we had to leave all our stuff in a hallway bc they didn’t feel like unlocking classrooms for us. *dickweeds* so we go, perform (greenberg got his solo right for once! when it counted! woo!), sightread, waited around for our rating and chatted in the cafeteria. then katie started talking about her toga party which had just gotten cancelled bc someone told matt about it, who then told her brother, who then told her dad. nice. *fuckass* so she was looking for a different place and grant was offering his but katie said she’d prolly just have it at hers anyway.


so we get our rating (a I in class C *sigh*) andleave. adam told a horror story about grant’s penis on the way back using his cell for the ghostly-light. we’re still waiting for part three. we get back and i get numbers and directions to katie’s. i wait around for an hour bc she and haley go out to get sommin to eat and i give her a call and she says that she just got busted with the alcohol in her room.. like her dad walked in on them or sommin.. JUST AS I GOT THERE. i was like fuck this shit. i see guys coming out and getting in their cars, slammin doors. i just keep driving like i’m some passerby with no alcohol on her mind. it’s all good tho. i didn’t need to be driving home drunk tonight anyways.


so now i’m here, debating on whether or not to go see if my dad’s got anything good stashed away. i would check to see if thing’s calmed down a bit but my tank’s running on fumes and places are closed so i can’t make it down and back again. i’ll prolly just be able to make it to the gas station tomorrow.


so yea. katie’s marching in some parade tomorrow and my mom’s doing her church thing and sean and i would be going to hustler’s but it turns out that my dad’s bday is tomorrow. i thought it was next weekend. eh. i already have his gift, i just had the wrong date. no deal. so i guess i sleep in tomorrow and do my writing project and convo that i’ve been putting off, as well as that winston churchill thing.


i’m still cold from driving around. heat eats up gas so i was trying to drive around without the heat on but to keep the windows from fogging, my windows had to be down. time to bundle up and get some sleep.





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