don’t know what it means

i spend so much time trying to fix roadrunner that it almost isn’t worth not tying up the phone. i have a toolar i can’t get rid of, the homepage continually resets itself and, although my dad thinks otherwise, i do not frivolously hit buttons that cause it. it happens on my parents comp and kitty’s as well. my roadrunner email that comes free with the service? well it’s free and fucking worth it! at least aol’s mail worked! i had the foresight to open a yahoo account and post it on my college info page. unfortunately for my mom, she has no clue about it. she was lost when the internet didn’t open on the roadrunner page. she came and woke me up asking what to do. i told her to just type in and it would take her to the site she wanted and she kept repeating it over and over to me in case she’d forget on the long journey down the hall and to her comp which was on and connected already. i should’ve just gotten up and gave her an internet lesson right there, but she’s so frustrating to teach. maybe i’ll sit down and write her out a manuel sometime..

another frustrating thing? my dad asked me to look up a barie online for my mom’s bday. a collector’s vintage thing called ‘gay parisienne’ and it’s a nice enough doll.. so nice it’s fuggin out-of-stock on a lot of the ‘respectable’ sites that my dad would willingly use his card on. hell, it’s out-of-stock on a lot of the sites period. finally, after looking for an hour or two, i called his work and left a message for his ass to pick up a money order (bc they feel iffy about giving checks to strange and unkown companies too! *groan*). i can’t stand it.

speaking of, he just called now. it’s 12.06 at night. he had some sort of dinner with the japanese tonight. he said 10 and it’s two hours later. boy, i guess those japanese sure now how to party..

*rolls eyes*


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