cause i ain’t no hollaback girl

i’m in the addlestone yet again. i’ve had a cup of tea and two pieces of gum thus far, but it’s only 11.25 so i still have a ways to go. and of course i left my stupid waterbottle in stat. go fig.

i also talked to alex last night. we just chatted and he made me laugh, which is nice. i’m wondering about my decision to move back home. mostly, i think of the weather and living at home. i won’t have the freedom at home that i do here. but i’m exchanging that for people to talk to. so what if i leave the ready supply of drinks and bud that this place offers? i’ll have something better to do with my time. i won’t be cramped in an uncomfortable room. i’ll have my own car. i’ll be going to school with a few people that i already know, instead of pretty much starting all over in the fall. i’ll have a job that i like and noy just one within a walkable distance. i’ll be at home so i’ll never hafta think ‘dammit, that’s still at home.’  if i need help in something, i have my parents (dad for math, mom for german). but i will miss this place. i may move here to live someday, but it all depends on where i can get a job at.

but mostly i’m here so i don’t go to hungry cougar, because i am NOT a fuggin hungry cougar. but i still have another half hour until class. i’ve printed all my math notes, corrected and printed out my german revised essay.. i suppose i could start looking for sources for my anthro paper, but i want to do that at my own computer so i can bookmark promising things and jot down the titles. that way, i can just come in on saturday with a list of what i need and get them all at once (with change on me this time, because you need to pay for anything you copy. that’s what didn’t let me get thatfifth source for the last paper).

surprisingly, i’m looking forward to doing this paper. i’m doing the history of asian theatre, specifically either chinese or japanese. i haven’t quite decided yet. i get to find out how it originated and what helped it progress. it’ll be nice to find out some different things about theatre, rather than the same old greek and roman plays followed by shakespeare and the theatres of today. i bet their form of theatre is a lot different.

i’m also really stoked about going home. i’m going to volunteer at the aspca (bookmarked on my comp) and when school starts in the fall, me and sean will work in theatre together. we paint sets and build things and take breaks together. i may even auditon for a part and maybe get one, but i know the directors tend to like theatre majors, so i’m mostly excited to be working on the stage stuff. maybe be an extra once in awhile. also, if i join a choir at uc, then maybe my mom will let me take voice lessons again, only this time with that lady mr. guthrie wanted to intro me too. i’m going to go visit him and mr. swallen when i get back home which, unfortunately, is just after prom. but it’s nice that we won’t have to rush back so i can throw on a silly dress and go blow more of my parents money. we can stay here, maybe daddy can dive and i’ll stay on the beach with some of my stuff. we’ll go out to eat after getting all my stuff out and just have a good relaxed time.

that actually sounds pretty fun to me. i love spending time with dad, as long as we don’t get into it. then it’s rough and usually ends with him telling me why he’s right and me crying because i get so hot headed and frustrated around him. but that doesn’t happen too often anymore. i mean, i went back for spring break and we didn’t fight once! except for just before we left and that was my fault for not remembering i had gotten that stupid airline miles card. but he always tells me things and explains different things and tells me the reason why something works like that. i can ask questions and he’ll explain them until i get them and doesn’t mind me asking.



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