

Yup…. just like my graphic says… today we are 3 months down… HALFWAY!

I can’t believe it! I can still remember watching the bus drive away on the first day of this deployment and now here we are, October is half over and we are 3 months down and halfway through. I will admit there are times that I never thought that we would get here but it really has gone by so fast. That first month was bad but once I got through that time just picked itself up and started running. I have a feeling that the rest of this deployment will go by just as fast. These next 2 weeks in October are pretty busy with cleaning, shopping for some winter clothes for Nicholai, ordering his new car seat, going to the pumpkin patch, Kindermusik, mommy group stuff, a Halloween party and random other things, like Samhain! And all that is just in the next 2 weeks. Once November gets here there will be more Kindermusik, cleaning, meetup group stuff and getting ready for Jersey and OMG Christmas.

I got an email this morning from Chris but we didn’t get to talk today.

I’m still sick. Still have a runny nose, still have a cough. Nicholai still has his runny nose and cough. Blah.

Chris and I have still been doing the budget. In fact in his email this morning Chris was saying how proud of me he was for working so hard at this budget with him. Apparently other wives are not taking the idea of a budget quite as well. I still have work to do to get more organized with this budget. Like today I forgot about ordering Nicholai’s Halloween costume because I need it by the 28th for the party. And I didn’t factor that into my budget so I’m going to have to move money all around now to cover my ass with spending $34 that I didn’t budget for. It’s not like we don’t have the money because we do, since we are getting extra money because Chris is deployed but once he comes home the extra pay we were getting will be gone and things like a random $34 will mess everything up. I made envelopes today so that we can use cash instead of using the debt card. It’s a lot more "in your face" to see your cash disappear then it is to just slide the plastic. But I think that I need more envelopes. I made: "Emergency Fund" "Christmas" "vacation" "Nicholai" "Chris" "Laura" but I think we will need others. More holidays like Easter, Halloween, 4th of July, summer, resturants and savings just to name a few. But at least I’m moving forward with this and staying on track for the most part.

I’m still reading the book The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. I think I’m on chapter 7, called the debt snowball which Chris and I are in the process of doing.

Reading this book makes me feel kind of useless since I don’t have a job. I kinda wish that I could work so that I could add money to our "makeover" and help us get out of debt, buy a house, pay off the car and other things like that faster. I know that Chris doesn’t look at me like I am just some leech taking his money, he isn’t that kind of guy and I do really want to stay at home with Nicholai and our other future children. They grow up so fast, I couldn’t even imagine missing all this time with Nicholai but I feel so bad about leaving Chris to be the sole bread winner. Though I really am thinking about doing in home childcare once we get a house. That will help us bring in more income and I would still be able to be at home with our children.

Ok…. I think that I written enough for today. I almost forgot that NoJoMo is right around the corner and I want to try and do that this year since I was busy with new baby last year haha. Bed time for me.









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October 16, 2010

glad u are doing well and soo pumped that its half way already.. that has gone by fast, i remember reading the first entry after he left. Me and the wife after christmas are gonna start restructiing our money, just to have more in our savings and what not that way when Dante is older we can travel and all that good stuff. Plus pay off our house faster.

October 17, 2010

Wow you’re so much more organized than me. We’ve never been able to get on a budget. Guess we’re going to have to now! Good luck!

October 21, 2010

YAY for 3 months down! Thats great you guys are on a planned budget now. You really do realize how much useless spending occurs that way.I made a budget through my banks website so I still use the debit card for everything and just check it regularly to see how much I have left to spend on certain things before I shop.