what will the future bring
Well… seems that the future is going to be bringing me new things faster then I thought.
A lot went on this weekend. Chris and I spent the whole 4day weekend together and it was amazing. We went out shopping, we slept in together, we played games together and watched movies together. We even sat in his chair together and just talked and watching youtube together. I love spending time with him. Its so easy to love him, and I couldn’t imagine loving anyone else. He is just that amazing. Always concerned about me, always protective of me, always checking on me and making sure that I am ok, that I am happy. I have never had someone so attentive to how I feel. It’s different. It’s nice.
And it makes me that much more worried about the future. It seems his NCO is hardpressed on him getting out of his shop and moving to another battalion in a non-staff position, which in my head just screams deployment. He said that most likely it would be an 8 month deployment to the Phillipines but everytime something is said about it I try to picture my life without him in it for 8 months and its almost painful. Sure its a lot better then Iraq or Afghanistan but its still a seperation. I wonder if we will get to spend our 1 year anniversary together, if we will get to spend a Valentine’s Day together, and what about this Christmas? I don’t like thinking about it and it brings tears to my eyes every time I do so I try really hard not to. Its not like I didn’t know this was coming, he is in the Army and I knew that coming into this relationship. I would go through hell and back for Chris and it seems the Army is determined to drag me through hell sooner rather then later. I just don’t know how I would survive on my own like that. 7 hours from my family, living alone for 8 months…. I don’t know if I could handle it.
But I would have to. As is the life of an Army wife.
I try not to think about it… heh I guess writing about it isn’t a good way to not think about it.
So, on to other things.
We now have upstairs neighbors and they are the most inconsiderate pain in the ass neighbors. They have been moving in for the last 4 days and its all day and all night. The other night they were vacuuming 3am! And they have a dog that they lock up which barks for hours and hours on end! Its insane. I just want to go up there and beat them to death! And now they are listening to music with the bass that just thumps and thumps on the ceiling…. OMG! I am going to the office to complain about them because I can’t live like this and I shouldn’t have to!
Chris’s mother wants to come by here in the next couple weeks. It makes me nervous. She and I are alot better now as far as our relationship is concerned but we still have a ways to go on the whole becoming close thing, atleast in my eyes. I still find myselt thinking back to the conversation that Chris and her had about me in the beginning of all this sometimes and it still irks me a little. In my mind our place just isn’t ready for her…. we no where for her to stay and boxes everywhere still and I would like this place to look nicer before she got here, but I don’t think that is going to be the case. Chris says she won’t care and maybe she won’t but I still don’t like the idea of her coming here with the place not finished. I am going to have to do some major cleaning around here.
I interviewed for a babysitting job yesterday. I had no idea that getting a job was so difficult around here. I was hired to watch 5 month old twin girls and a 5 year old boy with very mild autism. Atleast its a start.
There are just so many things in the workings right now.
2008 has been such a busy year and its more then half over already! All Hallows is right around the corner! I am excited though I am without a coven this year, but I have been a solitary practioner for a long time now so this will be no different. Sure I wish that Chris would join in with me, but that is not his religious path and I respect that, its just lonely sometimes. Atleast there is a Pagan Group starting up around here. So we will see what happens with that.
Wow… this entry turned out to be a lot longer then I thought.
Guess I will end it here.
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
Ooo first note ! I think… Lol, I don’t have much to say. I’m really happy for you and chris.. Yes, dont think about him leaving, enjoy and cherish every minute, and hey, he’ll be back
goodluck with the new job, its hard to handle that age, you’re ganna need it :p
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When you’re an army wife the future is always scary! And congrats on the job!
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yay for jobs. I know you’re strong and will be ok even if he gets deployed *hugs*
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I got neighbors like that. The ones below us have a dog locked up and the ones upstairs walk like their elephants and yes the loud annoying bass on rap music. lol
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Welcome to an Army town…where there’s tons of bored Army wives willing to work for peanuts just to have something to do. You’ll handle the deployment. You’re strong enough. It’s always going to be hard and I can’t blame you on that, but you’ve got people there for you.
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I love your poetry, you haven’t written any in a long time, aye ? Yea, I know you’re quite the busy bee, best of luck with everything. I see you got your chapters back ? :p Or perhaps I just didn’t notice earlier.
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