… what messy room….
That is what I have been trying to do for over a month now and it seems that this cold has no intention of leaving my body any time soon…. ugh! There is nothing that I do that seems to make me feel better. I don’t have a fever but my throat is on and off sore, I am super congested and I can’t stop coughing. I am losing my voice, I am non-stop blowing my nose…. *cough cough cough cough* I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. According to my ticker I have 18 days and 20 hours until I am in North Carolina with Chris and I really DON’T want to be sick when I am there.
So I went out and got some soup, Chammomile tea, tissues, medicine and I am going to war with this cold now. I am going to be better in the next 18 days, I mean, I have been sick for about 40 days already, I’m over it! *kicks cold germs*
I am currently cleaning my room… again. I have a mountain of dirty clothes that need to be washed which sucks seeing as how my washing machine is broken. I am finally getting some of my bills paid off, I made up a book to keep track and I am going to try and pay everything off before Chris and I move in together… we will see. I found my coupon organizer so I can start clipping coupons again. I also applied to Rowan. Its a school up here in Jersey so I really have no desire to go there but I wanted to have as many of my bases covered as possible. I just wish that I didn’t have to spend $50 on an application fee to a school that I have no real desire to go to. I mean, if I don’t get accepted to a university in North Carolina then I will go to Rowan (if I get accepted) and keep dealing with this horrible distance from Chris for *sigh* 2 more years.
But that is the worst case senario and I just got a letter saying that I made the Dean’s List for CCC for my last semester so I hope that I can get accepted to all 3 univesities that I apply to and then I can just pick where I want to go, though I already know where that is.
Ok… guess I should stop procrastinating about the cleaning of my room. It was a nice break… but back to work.
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
As I said before I’m so proud of you for making the Dean’s list babe. And so what if you’re still sick when you get here. I’ll just have to take care of you and you know how much I love to do that :-* get well soon baby I love you!!
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Fingers Crossed for good school results!
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Glad somethings are working out for you. I hope you feel better soon!!!
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argh cleaning. good luck 🙂
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College applications are horrid. Glad you have it out of the way. Good luck! Also hope you feel better soon. xoxo
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I hope you get to feeling better soon!
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I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well. I sure hope you feel better soon.
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