we are in this forever *pic heavy*
I am sorry that I haven’t been on in so long. It feels like forever since the last time I wrote but everything has been so busy and I have been enjoying myself so much… I just haven’t had the time to sit down and write about everything until now. I have a feeling that this is going to be long and there are going to be pictures at the end so here we go….
The move…
It was stressful and fun and tiring and I hope to not do it again any time soon. I thought that I had put a big dent in things until we started loading up the truck and I realized just how much wasn’t packed. But all in all it went over fine. Chris’s parents came over and helped for a while and that was nice of them and everyone got along fine. We hung out with Ally and Eric and even went over Eric’s house and watched The Eye and that was fun. Loading the car onto the trailer was less then fun but in the end it all worked out and we felt like idiots haha. Ashley came over the day that I left and brought Evan and we got to hang out and talk and that was fun. I am going to miss both of them *sigh* but I miss my family too and I am ok with that because I have never been happier. My mum gave us a plant which is blooming nicely outside our bedroom right now and my parents also bought us a dining room table!!!! I couldn’t believe it, it seats 4 people and we got 4 chairs but it also has a leaf that pulls out so we can fit 6 if we need too, they also got us some kitchen stuff; a peeler and a spatula as well as some kitchen towels and oven mitts and a set of Pyrex (good stuff) mixing bowls and measuring cups and spoons. I was shocked that my parents spent so much money on us, I really wasn’t expecting it. Its odd… I have come closer to my parents now that I have moved out then I did the whole time that I was living with him. Though I have a feeling that is normal.
We are still in the process of that. We unloaded the truck after the drive that took longer then normal since we had the car on the trailer and we had to drive a bit slower. The 7 hour drive took us about 9 hours instead be we all made it…. Chris, Aurora, Riku and I… all in one piece. We still have boxes everywhere but that is because we are at a standstill untl we get some more furniture in here. The entertainment center is what is really holding us up but once we have that we will be well on our way. The kitchen is pretty much done and so is the bedroom though there are a few things that need to be moved around. The study (our 2nd bedroom) is full of boxes but is pretty much set up as is the master bathroom which is all dolphined out thanks to my wonderful hubby! We decided that we are going to decorate the second bathroom with moons and stars. I thought that I was going to be more upset about the setup with the 2nd bathroom but I love our place. It would be nice if we had a tiny bit more storage space but that is the only problem that I really have. I just can’t wait until all the boxes are gone and we have our whole place arranged how we like. This is home now and I LOVE it!
Getting married…..
Chris and I got married on Friday June 27, 2008 around 1pm. I was so excited. One of my wonderful favs offered to make me a dress and it turned out beautiful. I am going to add it to my summer dress collection. She did a great job. Chris said that I looked beautiful in it. We woke up a little later then I wanted and I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast. We watched a movie on tv and then I took a shower. I got ready while Chris took a shower and then we headed for the courthouse. We found it without a problem and picked up our marriage lisence paperwork and then headed over to the detention center (yes we were married in the detention center since that was were the magistrate was) and met up with our witnesses, my friend who I never met before, April and her hubby Reggie and Chris’s bandmate Jaime met us there too. We sat in the room and waited while another younger couple got married and then it was our turn. We walked into the small room and said our vows and Chris put the ring on my finger and that was it…. we were married.
Its an amazing feeling, being married. I was so excited right before we went it that I was almost jumping up and down, though Chris was more collected then I was, though it might have something to do with the fact that he has been married before, I don’t know. I just can’t believe it… I am his wife. After everything that has happened in my life everything is coming together… Chris and I are married! And once the marriage certificate is ready to be picked up then I can start the process of getting my name changed. I am so lucky to have Chris for my husband. He has been so wonderful to me ever since the beginning and I know that he is going to stay this way. Sure we will have our fights and disagreements but every couple does…. this is it….. I told myself that I was only getting married once and I have found the most amazing man to be with for the rest of my life. People thought that I was crazy for wanting to get married so soon but it felt natural, it feels like this is exactly where my life should be and I have never been happier in my whole life. I love Chris with all my heart and looking into his eyes and saying my vows to him was amazing.
I’m glad that we decided to do the JOP thing and have the bigger ceremony later. Having the small ceremony with just us was perfect. It hits me sometimes when Chris and I are sitting on the couch or lying in bed just how perfect he has made my life. Its almost unreal that we are married, and when I say unreal I mean that I almost can’t believe that I am the lucky one he chose to marry. He fits in my life in a way that no one else ever has or ever could and I am so grateful to have him and to be able to call him my husband. I love hearing it when people call me his wife or Mrs. *******, it just makes me smile from ear to ear.
OK… I guess that is enough babbling… now its on to the pictures!
<img alt="" src="http:/
/i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/ODicons/HUBWFE.png” />
saying our vows at the magistate
the ring
the kiss
the dress
the move
A nice little ass shot of Chris for ya lol!
I think that I am going to stop there for now with pictures because photobucket is driving me nuts and I don’t feel like messing with it anymore! More pics to come though and I will be updating more regularly now I promise.
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
*sobs* That was so sweet…you looked GREAT!
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Congrats! You guys are great. Dusty and I had a small cermony ourselves and looking back it was perfect. I’m glad we did.
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YAY Congrats on getting married!
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you look beautiful! stunning – i am glad you both had a wonderful day and i hope the rest of your life together brings you much happiness. Em
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COngrats on your marriage…your dress was beautiful. I am glad you got moved and all went well. Heres a toast to your future
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congrats and best wishes!!! i have to wait until i get home to see the pics cause they dont work so well at work!!!
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the dress is purdyful hehe n thats awesome that you 2 are married WOW!!!! i’m excited for you n happy!!!! anyway things have came far since last time i noted hehe n its been a while to ugh been so busy, but anyway just thought i’d leave you a note n see how things have been…anyway ttyl much luv && huggs ~krys
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Congratulations! Wishing you manymany happy years together.
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OH MY GOD! I didnt know you guys got MARRIED!!!!??? WOOHOO!!! *Does a happy dance with you* Congrats!
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