The Truth From the Lies

Tracing lines through the air with grace

eyes half closed, transparent embrace

words unspoken and tears uncried

thoughts provoking deep inside

if only to be safe from what lies hidden

encased in memories, their meaning not yet given

fearful of what lies beyond

waiting for the depths to respond

desires lost to the raging call

fearful of the scars but still enthralled

tranced by what still lies ahead

excitement, happiness, frustration, dread

but the air is thick and clouded tonight

and there is no rest for the weary in sight







photobucket… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true! photobucket… music is my life




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I find that writing it out this way helps – and you do it so well.

June 15, 2008

I think that this is very beautiful. I read a couple of your entries before, I just started, and I don’t know what I should put in here, but you seem like a cool person. I added you to my friends.

I love reading you entries as well, I always read what you write, I always want to comment but I guess i’m not too big on being repetitive, just pasting what the other person said… I try my best to leave some meaning in my response to someones writing, I really like your diary makes me feel like I can relate. I’m ever so happy for you and Chris and I pray that you have a long happy life together. I’m going to watch “the happening” tomorrow, was it any good ? Weekends are pretty bad, I guess is the extra time on our hands… You can do it just 8 more days ! I bet you feel like time is barely passing, but it will, and by then you’ll only have a smile cutting across your face.