the best vacation of my life!
Yeah… that icon kinda gives it away but yup Chris and I are engaged!!!! Every time I say that or type it or tell someone I want to jump into the sky screaming…. I am so happy! Ok.. so I am kinda Quentin Tarantinoing this whole thing… I guess I should start from the beginning.
The day before I was supposed to fly down was insane. I got no sleep, I was packing and washing clothes and running around like crazy. I finally go in to take a shower and I don’t get out til late so I get to the airport late. Its Good Friday… the beginning of spring break weekend and I am late getting to the airport. It was insane… the line to check in was ridiculous! I was in that line for about 20min. I finally got my luggage checked and got my ticket but when I printed it out the screen said there were no more seats left on my flight so I had a mini panic attack but headed to my terminal anyway. The line to get to through security was about 400 people long. Walking to the end of it took forever. I called Chris on the phone almost in tears because I didn’t think that I was going to make it. He calmed to down… told me to relax and that everything was going to be ok… I don’t know what I would have done without him.
I finally made it through security, ran to my gate, got there just as they started boarding, was called over the PA and was given a window seat. I was so relieved to sit down on the plane in my seat, knowing that in an hour and a half I would be in Chris’s arms. The plane landed early and I got off. I text Chris and told him that we had landed and I was at the baggage claim. I was standing there waiting for my bag and then his arms slip around me and I turn around and there he is smiling at me. I threw my arms around him and we just stood there hugging each other. We walk all the way back to the car and start driving. On the road he reaches back into his jacket pocket and I’m thinking that he is reaching for his cell phone but then he looks over at me and smiles and opens this little black box and asks me to marry him. I was speechless…. the ring was absolutely beautiful!
I was sitting in the car just staring at the ring, smiling and laughing and on the verge of tears and I guess some time had gone by because I hear Chris say "Is that a yes?" OMG! I couldn’t believe it. Its a bridal set so when we get married and I have the wedding ring on it will look like this.
Then he put his arm around me and I fell asleep on the drive back to Fayetteville.
It was so nice to sleep in his arms again. We spent the beginning of the week in a hotel… which is a story I will get to some other time. We went to the movies… saw Shutter, we went out to eat, went to the store together, went to the mall… went to the apartments that we decided to move to…
the apartments from the outside…. they look awesome inside
We went to the Botanical Gardens. It was a great day… we walked around holding hands and enjoying the outdoors. It was breezy and warm… the sun was out and the sky was blue… it was perfect!
flowers love
gotta love the sunglasses lol
It was so awesome to see him. I met his boss and some of the other guys at the shop. It was like we were already living together. It just makes me that much more excited about moving down there with him. I really can’t wait to move, to live down there with him, to lay in his arms every night, its was so perfect to be with him and I miss him so much already and his has only been gone one night. UGH! I want so badly to move and I have a feeling these 3 months that are in between us are going to drag… but we will get there I know.
It was the best week ever…. and then he came back to NJ with me for a week. He had his birthday party at my house and that went surprisingly well considering but I will leave that story for tomorrow cause I think this is long enough lol. More catching up later.
a target=”_blank” href=”¤t=ththdy2n82.gif”>… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
Found you on the front page….Wow! Congrats! Wishing you the best.
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OOOOOOOO ! CONGRATS, ITS WONDERFUL ! CONGRATS YOU DESERVE IT. Yes I’m really happy for you ! Best of luck ! I hope you have a long HAPPY life together.
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PS. That Ring is STUNNING ! I bet he was jumping when he bought it too
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aww im o happy for you girl. that is an amazing ring i love it. yay you Tessa
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That ring is so pretty! Congratulations! You’ll be moved before you know it!
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OMG my little Army Wives buddy is going to be an Army wifey! I am so THRILLED for you!
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Congrats! I am glad you had a great trip!
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omg congrats and pretty ring..
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that ring is absolutly beautiful!!!! im so excited for you!!
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I never got to tell you Congrats on the Engagement~! I love the ring since its so different.
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AWWWW you guys are so cute together!
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wow. congratulations!
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