so many options
Things have been going well around here. Payday is Monday and we are still in the black, though we have a lot of bills coming up that need to get paid. Atleast our savings are starting to grow.
I had a girls night out last night with some of the girls from SG. Molly, Jess, Jules, and I all sat around and ate chips and drank margaritas for about 4 hours. I feel like I am making some friends here which is nice. I wasn’t as nervous as I though I was going to be though I’m sure that Jess’s margaritas which were 3 parts tequila and 1 part margarita mix helped, and that I had 3 and 1/4 glasses. Between the 4 of us we killed off a whole bottle of tequila. Opps. Chris, being the amazing hubby that he is, dropping me off so I didn’t have to worry about driving home and I could just relax and have fun with the girls. He is such a sweetheart. It was nice, to feel like I am starting to fit in around here.
Chris also had a jump yesterday and I was able to go. It was a long day considering we got there around 11 and didn’t leave until after 4:30 but it only rained for about 10min so Chris actually got to jump this time. It was amazing to watch him jump… see go up in the plane, watch as they jumped out of the plane and floated to the ground. My husband is amazing! I forgot my camera but I took some pictures on my phone and I will have to try and get them on here.
I also have some interesting job opportunities coming up. I will meet the kids for my first babysitting job Monday hopefully, but their mom emailed me asking if she could share my information with another mother who is looking for a babysitter. She has 2 kids, a 3 year old boy and a 1 year old girl. So maybe I will be able to make out okay here as a babysitter as long as I keep building up clients. MY friend Candice also brought another opportunity to my attention. She used to be a karaoke DJ and apparently there is a job offer around here for that and she wanted to know if I wanted to do it with her. They are talking about paying $250 for 4 hours of DJ time and we would split that between the 2 of us. She says it would be a lot of fun and Chris likes to do karaoke so he could come to work with me and sing and the more I think about it the more I like the idea of it. She only suggested it so I don’t know how much she has looked into it, but hey… that just more money that I could be bringing in.
I also have only a couple more weeks to get the stuff for UNC Pembroke squared away. I have to take the Praxis I *sigh* which is not only going to cost money but I am also worried about passing the math stuff so I need to really start looking over the books that Chris got me. I think if I go through one English section (though I’m not worried about that section at all) and one Math section a day and keep doing it over and over until I take the Praxis then I should be fine. I am hoping that I can get back into school for the Spring semester. *fingers crossed* It would just be so much better for me to actually have a career and be able to bring in money to the house. I can just see the next 2-3 years of my life being busy as hell.
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
at least jobs seem to be heading in your direction
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im glad you noted me, well no one knows what happend it was very bazzar and scary i dont remember anything aftermath was huge tho.. i got cuffed till i calmed down in Er i dunno how things spun out of control. i did see my life flash infornt of me and all that stuff our parents teach is true, its different when its not you controling things a great first day i suppose…
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