*sigh* it all just seems to drag
I don’t know what has been up with me lately… I have been so down and I haven’t really felt like doing anything. I’m not sure when I started feeling down but I can’t seem to get rid of it. There has just been so much going on, good, bad and otherwise…. I am trying to get all these things done but I have no idea what is going on or atleast that is how I feel. I was sleeping last night and I woke up in the middle of the night wanting to cry… I don’t really know why. I shouldn’t be down, I mean… 5 days from now I will be in North Carolina with Chris. I shouldn’t feel like this.
I really noticed it last night when I was out at this party that was complete and utter crap. It was supposed to be a St. Patrick’s Day party with Chris’s best friend John… I got there… and I brought my friend Kersey, and the only people that were there were John, his girlfriend Erin, this crazy girl Andrea, and then Chris’s ex girlfriend Brit showed up. I don’t know what it was…. I just felt so sad. Then John and Erin start making out in front of me, and then disappear off into the bed room. UGH… I was kinda mad, but oh well.
So today I gave in and went shopping. Shopping usually makes me feel better and I guess I do… I don’t know. I got some shirts, a pair of sweat pants, a pair of shoes and some stuff for when I go to NC. I just wish the day would go by so Sunday can go by so the week can go by and I will be getting off the plane and walking into his arms and crying my eyes out because I have missed him so much.
I have been thinking about wearing this really cute dress that my sister has to get off the plane. I just want to look really cute, but I shouldn’t really spend anymore money. I guess I will just have to wait and see. I haven’t even tried it on so I don’t know if it is going to fit me. I hope it does because it looks really cute on her.
I guess I will write more tomorrow…. it gives me something to do.
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
i hope you feel better<333
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ryn: i hope it goes away soon too!.
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Yea I’ve noticed you’ve been kinda down lately baby. Especially as I sit here and text you. We only have a few more days babe I love you more than anything in the world.
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You may just be feeling down because there’s a major change about to happen. Depression can hit due to a good change or a bad change. It’ll probably take some time to adjust and get out of it. Wishing you luck.
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Hope you cheer up soon. xoxo
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Feel better you’ll be with him before you know it!
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Oh! I know it might be tough now, but try to keep thinking of how great it will be in 4 days time? Or is it three now? Don’t let your mind wonder off ,if it does, its ok the minute you see Chris again you’ll be jumping and I’m sure a huge smile will strike your pretty face. At least I hope so, tack care.
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*hugs* I’m back.
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