queen of the housework…. bah
I spent most of today doing the housewife thing. I cleaned up after the cats, washed dishes, made breakfast, and then started the laundry. If there is one thing cleaning wise that I wish would take care of itself it would be laundry. Folding the clothes I don’t mind, but carting them across the parking lot to the laundry room is such a pain. Not to mention that I have to hunt down quarters in order to even be able to do laundry. Ugh! I think it will be a lot better when we actually have a washer and dryer in our apartment. I guess until then I can just procrastinate until it needs to be done.
The weekend is over. Bah.
Chris IS getting moved to a new batallion, he got his orders and it happens some time mid October. Which means that a deployment is all that much more possible. *sigh*
I will try my best to take this move as it comes. Who knows what work will be like for Chris once he moves. Hopefully he will still be home for the next year and a half. That would be ideal. We could get a good year of our marriage in together, spend some much needed holidays together, celebrate our first anniversary together… I can hope for that I guess.
We talked about money and such today. Chris feels guilty for having debt but that is life and we are making it by just fine. We even had money to splurge with this month which was nice but back to the budget we must go. I think we are doing well as far as money is concerned. He said that its a good thing that we aren’t having a baby right now moneywise. I can see that too. I asked him if he wanted to stop trying and be more careful but he said no to that right away. I keep hoping that we can stop TTC and actually concieve but so far it hasn’t happened. I still worry that there is something wrong. I guess we will just have to let nature take its course. Maybe its just not our time to become pregnant no matter how much I would like to be. I try not to think about it but so many of my friends are pregnant now…. baby fever is kicking in.
I have so much housework to do this week and I am trying to get as much of it done before Thursday as I can.
I can’t believe that 9.11 is here already.
7 years since….
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
i feel ya on the baby fever. im definetly not TTC, because at the moment i dont even know what i think of my relaionship. ha. but i wish the best for you. and im so happy for you! i know deployment could be looming, but it sounds like you guys are strong enugh for it. so much love, m.
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RYN: steal away
its from the death cab for cutie song- soul meets body! <3
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hun, you’re young. you have plenty of time to have a baby, and when it’s supposed ot happen, it will *hugS*
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ING (at least the orange saving accounts) is completely online or over the phone. here’s the website: http://home.ingdirect.com/products/products.asp?s=OrangeSavingsAccount its no fee, no charges, no penalties, no inimum balance. the percentage yield i got was 3 percent, which was great for a completely free service. hope that helps! much love, m.
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p.s. since chris is getting new orders, does that mean you have to move again? or is it at the same base?
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