only hours from now
Well I will finally be seeing Chris again! My plane is leaving in 6 hours and 6 min according to my ticker! I am freaking out right now. I have been up since 7am Thursday and its now 3am on Friday morning. My plane is leaving at 7:35am. I am so excited to see Chris…. I feel like there is this hole in me and I know seeing him is going to fill it!
I am still fighting with these depressed feelings but I am working on it as best I can. I know seeing Chris tomorrow will change a lot of that. I can’t wait to spend the next 2, YES 2, weeks with him. We have so much planned, but even if we didn’t I would be happy just getting to see him. I have been counting down to this for so long and now its finally almost here. I will be getting off a plane and walking into his arms. I don’t know what will happen this Spring Break, but just being with him makes me so happy.
I am trying to concentrate on leaving but I keep getting sidetracked by the thought of seeing him so soon…. ugh counter-productive I know, I have been trying my best to stay on track and get done what I need to get done, but I haven’t been feeling well the past couple days and I am just soooo preoccupied. I don’t know that I will be on here that much but then again I haven’t really been on all that much anyway, which I am sorry about. I will update as soon as I can!
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
i’m so glad that you get to see him!
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Hope you have a great time.
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Have fun!
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Travel safely and have lots and lots of fun!
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awsome… go see your man and get happy damn it!
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Have a great trip!!
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Have a great 2 weeks with your man~!
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Enjoy ! A bit late, I know but you must forgive me. Have Fun.
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damn, its been a long time. too long since i’ve been on and since i’ve written. so i’d thought i would write you a lil somethin!! hehe…anyway not much going on with me and my life, same old same old! anyway good to hear you get to see chris. i hope you have an awesome time!!!! much luv and huggs ~krys
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hope everything goes well!! im excited for you!!
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yaayy!! you get to see him!! im so happy for you!!
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Awesome girl! *does a happy dance with you*
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yay you finally get to see him!!! have fun!
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