making up for lack of posts
I am been so bad at writing in here. This cold has been kicking my ass and I have been so busy with these jobs. I know that I had this job but I went to another interview today but they said they would have to struggle to pay me $8.50. Um… no. Oh no that won’t do. I can’t go down in money. I have to make atleast what I make now if not more and $8.50 won’t do it.
I have to go on Friday and see what is going on with that. I haven’t told them that I am going to Buffalo for a week in the middle of February and for a week at the end of March. I hope that doesn’t cause a problem and that they will understand. I just really want and need this job! Once I see how much I am making then I can make up my budget. Chris and I have been talking a lot about my moving down there. He texts me all the time telling me that he can’t wait for me to move down there and honestly I can’t wait to be there with him. I miss him so much.
I never had any idea that there was so much involved in moving. There is renting the truck and trailor for my stuff and my car, buying paint since the whole place is white and that will drive me insane, establishing residency, changing over my liscense, getting school straightened out, finding a job (which Chris says I have to wait til August for because he wants me to take a break in July and just relax…. did I ever mention I love that man?), set up the apartment, figure out how to get around in NC. Yeah the list is neverending but I am still so excited. I have so much to do over the next couple of months.
Then… Chris told me that he was going to come up and spend Valentine’s Day with me and I couldn’t be more excited. I just hope that I am not getting my hopes up in vain… I will be devasted if something happens and he doesn’t get to come here before I go to Buffalo. If he comes up I’m sure that he will make Valentine’s Day great. Every Valentine’s Day that I can remember has been utter shit. The last one I was single, before that I was single or fighting with whomever I was with.. before that I was with my ex Chris and it was just another day. I have never been excited about it and have kinda given up on it ever being great… but maybe this year will be different. V-day is in 14 days now. I want to trust that Chris will make this the best Valentine’s Day ever but the past ones creep into my mind and make me fearful that this one will just follow suit.
Anyway anyway… last thing.
On another site they started a goal setters blog and I started making goals so I thought that I would post my goals here as well. I am making up a new Chapter for my goal section. Read it if you want and if you don’t thats fine.
Ok.. I’m done blabbing now…. more to come
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
RYN: I have some posted already
check out my 2nd to last entry
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*hugs* You know…. our anni. is on Vday… and if it wasnt for that I would still hate the holiday. I never had a good Vday until I was married. And even then sometimes our anni. doesnt turn out great so.. I still hate the day. *hugs* I am sorry you will have to spend it apart from your love. Think of all the making up you two will have.
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