just keep piling it on…
So its all just ridiculous anymore. I walk out my door this morning to find a black bag on the hood of my car…. I shrug it off thinking whatever but come to find out later that its actually a black bag with 3, count them THREE, porno dvds in it. Umm… what the fuck?
Chris moved into our place today…. which is great except that a wall that was supposed to be there seperating the 2nd bathroom and the utility room is missing and we are minus the pantry that the floorplans say we are supposed to have. Heh…. wonderful. I would like my wall back please!
Joe and Courtney also didn’t help Chris move at all…. how nice. His supposed "friends" and they just seemed to drop off the face of the earth today. I really want to give them a piece of my mind one day and tell them how immature they are. Just hearing thier voices in the background makes my blood boil and I hope that Joe knows that he isn’t going to be using Chris the way that he has been. UGH… I really do think that despite my best efforts to not, I really think that I just HATE them.
I don’t know what is going to happen with school right now…. I have no idea. I am going to have to email UNCP because I missed the fall semester deadline to apply so now I am going to have to apply for the Spring semester which means that I will be in school even longer then I wanted to be. UGH!
My upside of today… I now have 3 boxes packed and I bought lables too so I know exactly what is going to be in each and every box.
What a way to start off the week…. and I get to work with numbnuts tomorrow… joy.
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
Pornos? WTF! Where did they come from do you know? And where is the missing wall?
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Pornos..now that is creepy. You think it was someone playing a joke on you?
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Have fun moving in with your man!
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Random porno, missing walls, and pissed off animated monkeys… sounds like you’ve been busy. Good luck unpacking and I hope you enjoy your new living situation.
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its always interesting how people find out who their true friends are!
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