just a beautiful disaster
So my weekend is over… didn’t get much done. Didn’t really sleep at all…. didn’t really eat at all….
My windshield got hit by a rock and is now cracked. I got some homework done, but still have a lot to do. I bought guppies with money that I didn’t have, but when I look at them swimming around it makes me smile. I didn’t really hear anything from Rob, tried to talk to Amanda and that got me nowhere. I stayed away from my father and didn’t get into a confrontation. I did get the piece that I needed for my desk. I did get some much needed time to myself. I did start to study and began thinking about things that I need to get done.
I have tried not to think or worry about the future, but I am a planner so that isn’t as easy as one might think. I hate not knowing where I am headed. My room is still a mess since I didn’t really work on it at all. My phone is still off and I still have atleast 2 more weeks before I can turn it back on and its driving me insane.
My father is home for the week so I don’t know how well hiding from him will work. I think I will be spending a lot of time at the library this coming week.
Yeah… there isn’t really anything else to say…. I don’t really feel better at all, but at the same time I don’t feel worse. I made a really hard promise for me to keep to a friend, and I am going to do all that I can to keep it. This Thursday I don’t have work so I am going to catch up on some much needed work and make a schedule for myself so I can really get focused this semester.
I guess that is about it…. short random ramblings….. heh
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Do you need me to send money so you can turn on your phone?
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I have bad things happen to my windsheild of both cars. I got a crack in my old car the first day I got it. Also hit alot of phesants with it too but never did any damn. My new car, their was a truck in front of me and a piece of wood scratched it. I didn’t think it did that much damage but it did. LOL I hope things get better. I don’t want this to sound bad, but I always pay my damn cellphone bill and I barely use it once a week anymore. I should turn my off and throw it away. LOL I hope things get better for you
Keep your head up 
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